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This boy is scared as he was left abanded at a shelter. Here is the note from them. Yesterday someone left a 5 year old male Rottweiler tied to our animal >shelter with a note saying its age and a little info about it. > UPDATE: He was out today with all the dogs, male and female, and he was having a blast. At least you can see how friendly he is with the volunteers. I feel so sorry for him because he wants to be around people and we just don't have time to give all the dogs the attention they need. Blaze seems to be okay with cats. He was interested in them but did not try to lunge at one. The cat that we used was not afraid of Blaze either. But on the other hand, we had a rabbit in the office and Blaze wanted that rabbit for lunch. He was much more interested in the rabbit than the cat. So I would say if he was introduced properly to cats and you kept an eye on him, I think he would be okay with cats.He seems to do fine with older kids. One of the volunteers has a 12 year old daughter that plays with him. The volunteer also took him swimming in the creek and he did fine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ BSRR was sent this information on Blaze along with a pitiful picture of this sad dog tied to a telephone pole by a log chain. I saw his picture, felt sorry for him, as we all did and hoped someone would help him. Time went on, I kept looking at this picture of when the shelter first found him, and still hoped someone would help him. About four months later, an email came to our group saying that Blaze needed to get out of the shelter and into a home with a family there for him as being in the shelter was proving almost too much for him. BSRR arranged transport for him to come to the Billings area from the north western part of the state. I brought this HUGE boy into our house and wondered why I didn't just take him to the barn with the horses! His head was huge with all these beautiful wrinkles! Blaze was neutered at the shelter, but when he came here he had a raging ear infection - which we took care of immediately. Blaze was MY boy. He followed me everywhere in the house and outside doing chores. He never offered to bother the cats, or our other Rottie or any of the livestock. Blaze wanted to be with me all the time, he had to be in the bathroom with me when I took a shower. He went so far as to climb in the shower with me when I opened the door to get out! What a big love! I promised Blaze that he would only leave me if he picked the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. I really never thought he would take me up on that promise. One day I got a call from a lady in Wyoming that was looking at all the dogs we had in rescue at that time. After processing her application, interviewing, and completing the home check, I suggested she come meet some of the dogs. The perfect dog that she described to me that she would be interested in adopting sounded exactly like she was talking about Blaze. I finally told her about him and some of the funny things he did, like watching ahead from the back of the car for a semi. He was at the back of the Yukon, looking forward out the windshield at the oncoming vehicles. When he would see a semi coming, he would start to get excited. As soon as that semi was next to the Yukon, Blaze would jump at the side window and bark! He rocked the Yukon! He only barked once, as if to say "Hey, this is MY vehicle, get lost!" And of course, the semi went on by. Blaze had the most satisfied look on his face when he "told" that semi off! Getting back to the story, this lady came up to meet all the dogs we had, females as well as males. She enjoyed all of them, but didn't feel that "spark". I had purposely saved Blaze until the last. I really had hoped that she would be interested in one of the other dogs so that I could take my Blaze home again and just forget about finding him another home. I liked the idea of "fostering" him forever. Well, I must say, Laura and Blaze met, and they seemed to get along well. I still had hopes of coming back home with him. Blaze jumped in the back of Laura's Jeep with the two of us as we were visiting. He layed between us and we both had our hands on him. I told Laura that I would get some treats out of my vehicle (that was parked next to hers) for her to give to Blaze to see how gentle he was. Now, remember, Blaze's nickname was "superglue" for a reason! He NEVER let me get out of his sight or more than 3 feet away from him. I stood up and started to walk to my vehicle, expecting Blaze to jump down and follow. I got all the way over to my Yukon, even opened the door, and I looked back, Blaze was still in the back of the open Jeep with his head on his paws watching me. Laura's hand was resting on his front paw under his chin. Well, I can tell you, I knew then and there that Blaze had picked his human! Laura and Blaze had that "spark". I was almost heartbroken! But, I had promised him that HE would have to pick, or he would live with us for the rest of his life. Blaze went home with Laura that day. Two weeks later she brought him to me to babysit for 3 days while she went out of town. When she left, Blaze sat by the front door looking out the window for the whole day. He never followed me to another room, nor even into the bathroom when I went to take a shower. I decided to take Blaze for a drive the next day, he always liked to go for drives and I thought it might cheer things up for both of us. Blaze did his usual thing of looking forward at the on coming vehicles and jumping and barking at the semi trucks that passed. I made a right turn off the highway just as a red Jeep was approaching from the other direction. I watched Blaze in the rearview mirror, and he had spotted the Jeep. As we turned, he turned around in the back and watched out the back window as the red Jeep went on by! ...Laura drove a red Jeep. Could it be any plainer than that? He really was happy with Laura! She came to get him and he left to go home. Since then, I have been to see Laura and Blaze numerous times, Blaze is always happy to see me and let me love on him. When it is time for me to leave, Blaze walks behind Laura and just stands there looking around her at me. I know he keeps telling me that he is very happy with his "Mom" Laura. I told him that I got his message and I would not try to take him away from her. He is happy, Laura is happy, I have gotten over the heartbreak and gone on to foster many more big wrinkle headed boys! Thank you Laura for giving Blaze his happy loving home! I miss him - he will always be "my first". Pam

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